Explore the database



Gene info


CilioGenics scores for each category

* Integrated normalized CilioGenics scores.
* Motif score represents cilia associated TF (GLIS3, JAZF1, RFX2, RFX3, MYB and FOXJ1) interactions
* Phylogeny score is based on the cluster the searched gene belongs to.
* Protein and genetic interaction scores are based on the rate of interactions with ciliary proteins/genes by all interactions

Protein interactions

Network plot for protein interactions


Protein interactions

Download Table

Genetic interactions

Network plot for genetic interactions


Genetic interactions

Download Table

List of publications




The table below shows the motifs that appears in the promoter (1000bp upstream) region of the gene of interest.

CilioGenics score table

This is an extensive list of all human genes included in the database. The column headers provide the description of the data, giving a score for each gene. Users can type a gene name and sort columns.

* Table shows weighted scores for all categories. Weights are calculated based on each section's capability to find ciliary genes.

Click the genes to easily switch to its gene search page.

Explore a compilation of 52 papers that presents the list of ciliary and putative ciliary genes.

List of publications

To explore the data sets, choose the article of interest from the table below.

* To open the paper on Pubmed instead, click title of the paper.


Explore the motifs and the genes with these motifs in their promoter.

Protein Atlas

List of genes in the Human Protein Atlas database is compiled. The following keywords were used in compilation: Cilia, Cilium, Centrosome, Flagella, Flagellum.

* Comment column shows the text where the keyword appears.



There are two usage of CilioGenics:

·        Gene search: You can search a human gene by HGNC gene name, entrez gene id, synonym and Ensembl gene id. Genes in following organisms which have homolog in human can also be searched by gene name and gene id:

o   Rattus norvegicus

o   Mus musculus

o   Drosophila melanogaster

o   Danio rerio

o   Caenorhabditis elegans

o   Saccharomyces cerevisiae


·        Explore data: Whole data can also be explored without having to specify a gene.


*  Main gene search page





After searching the gene, further data can be explored about that gene.


*  Various data can be selected to explore data


In general info page, you can find various information about the gene, including CilioGenics score for each different categories.

You can then select different tabs to examine the data about that gene further.


* Different tabs can be selected, each one providing information about searched gene.



Explore Data page:

Unlike the Gene Search page, Explore Data page provide more general information about the data.


* CilioGenics score table shows scores from all categories.


Just like “Gene search” page, Explore data page also have multiple tabs to select. Tabs are mostly the same with “Gene search” page. However, in this page, you can explore data without having to specify any gene, giving the advantage of discovering new genes for a particular feature (like discovering genes having RFX1 motif in their promoters).

Source list used in CilioGenics

Molecular & Genetic Interactions

Single Cell RNA-Seq



Downloads for data used in CilioGenics

Single Cell RNA-Seq


Moleculer & Genetic Interactions

HGNC Gene Info

Orthology Data

Sequence Data Used in Phylogenetic Analysis