A Cilia Database

CilioGenics is an integrated and open source, community friendly database for ciliary genes. The key goal is to combine a variety of cilia-related data, including single-cell RNA-seq, comparative genomics, aggregation of gene list from cilia-related publications, protein atlas, proteomics, and cilia-specific motifs. Gene search is quick and user friendly, and it connects to a page devoted to the specific gene, which displays a variety of cilia-related information about that gene.

CilioGenics also provides a number of resources to:

Update Policy of CilioGenics

Cilia are a complex organelle that possibly house hundreds of various proteins, and CilioGenics is a user-friendly database that aims to provide all existing knowledge about a gene. An automatic update is introduced into CilioGenics. For example, proteomics database BioGRID is automatically updated when a new update from BioGRID is released. However, since any effort to reveal the full constituents of cilia by one technique or a combination of two techniques is likely to fail to catch the entire ciliary genes and there will always new data about a gene, please help us to update the website if you have new data about a gene(s), as CilioGenics strives to incorporate new emerging data about each gene.

Make a Contribution to CilioGenics

We would be glad if you would contribute to expanding and improving the CilioGenics database. Here are a few ways you can help CilioGenics:

CilioGenics Version

CilioGenics is a dynamic and a constantly updated database, and if a major update is made, a new version of the database will be made available.


Please contact  oktay.kaplan@agu.edu.tr or mustafapir29@gmail.com for any question or inquiries.

Source Code

For source code of the website: thekaplanlab/CilioGenics-website (github.com)